Product Overview

CGB Grain Market Solutions logo in black and goldThe market premium products allow you to collect a premium to the entry market price through various ways to hedge your grain. Both programs are offered daily against most traded futures months. The flexibility and customization that can be achieved through these programs will allow you to fit the right program to your exact situation. Click through our programs to learn more.


Market Premium Programs Offered

Reasons to Use These Programs to Price Your Grain

  • Provides you with a hedge price above the current market.
  • All of these programs have no fees associated.
  • They are great on forward hedging at least six months in advance.
  • These programs are great complements to our other programs and your standard hedging practices.


Find the Right Product for You

Product Where it Fits Into Marketing Plan Enrollment Period When It's Good to Use Min/Max Priced (% of Enrollment)
Market Premium Great for spring and summer pricing decisions
Offered daily against most futures months Great for longer durations and choppy to higher markets Min Bushels = 100%
Max Bushels = 100%
Market Premium PLUS Less than 50% hedged or well known crop for Bin Bushels Offered daily against most futures months Utilizes the second commitment to improve overall hedge levels Min Bushels = 100%
Max Bushels = 200%